Author: admin

While each client (coachee) is different in terms of how many things are covered during a coaching relationship, coach training teaches us to be open to what serves the client.

Most of us understand the importance of regular physical check-ups and the health benefits: the annual wellness-visit to our doctors and the essential dental hygienist appointments.

Then there are all the fads, quick, short-term and long-term programmes, session visits to this, that and the other.  All to improve and address issues with our lives, be healthy physically and sometimes mentally.

Coaching questions are the stock and trade of professional life, business, and executive coaches. Knowing what to ask, when to ask, and how to ask coaching questions is a major part of becoming an effective coach. But there are certain types of questions that tend to be frowned upon, because they often yield poor results.

So what is the best version of yourself?

You don’t know...nor do I.  I don’t know what the best version of myself is.  I am unlikely to know what the best version of you is.  What I do know now(ish), is the version(s) of me I do not like and do not want to be (let’s get  one thing clear, you’ll not be getting a list of what it will take to become the best version of you...sorry)!