Why You Need a Series of Coaching Sessions?

Most of us understand the importance of regular physical check-ups and the health benefits: the annual wellness-visit to our doctors and the essential dental hygienist appointments.

Then there are all the fads, quick, short-term and long-term programmes, session visits to this, that and the other.  All to improve and address issues with our lives, be healthy physically and sometimes mentally.

There are a number of routine physical services most of us choose to build into our schedules to keep ourselves looking and feeling good: haircuts, exercise classes, manicures, and pedicures to name a few. 

How do people take care of their internal self that seems at odds with their business self? How do you decide what you want from your business life/goals/aspirations and whether you are happy with your progress to date?

What is your awareness of having a regular discussion with someone – a coach – as a tool to help you define your goals, focus on the future, and create a positive business mindset?  When will you add coaching sessions to your list of regular check-ups? Having a coach is a great way to solidify your plans and identify the next steps to get there.  A coaching session will help you both tune-up your personal development and define your career, professional and/or business goals.

Coaching Will

  • give you clarity on exactly what you want and
  • empower you feeling positive, confident, and engaged.

Like any other personal service or health intervention, you should consider these questions:

  • How long do you want your coaching relationship to last? A best practice is a minimum commitment to six sessions.
  • Will this be a regular check-up or a quick fix? Meaningful change is a process and it takes time.
  • What do you want to achieve in your coaching sessions? Consider exploring opportunities, defining challenges, creating strategies, listing action steps, and reflecting on value.
  • How will you know if you get what you wanted out of it? Deciding on your measure of success helps you achieve what you want, and you want to know you are getting value for money.

It is smart to treat yourself to a coaching session and round out your health and wellness regime!

Tip: Find a coach who has completed their coaching certification and/or accreditation and ask them about the process and scheduling, then ask about a free introductory session.  This will involve an initial assessment, planning, agreed programme of support, review and evaluation.

My approach consists of honest, on-going dialogue and setting clear goals. Remember, this is not me holding your hand. My job is to help you become accountable and responsible for your own path to success, and to be conscious of the things holding you back.

Having a structured approach allows us to create the environment which will make you become better at this over time, ultimately learning to achieve your potential.


Clearly define session focus, measures, and process.
Offer acknowledgement and space to express.
Act in response to the who, the what, and the insights.
Customise to client’s language, situation, and emotions.
Help expand thinking and exploration.
Invite reflection on learning and application.
Notice progress and support planning.
Give credit and get permission to close.

Interested? Drop me a line or give me a call.

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