What’s stopping you and your business?

Whether you’re just starting out, or you’ve been in business a few years, it’s always great testing out new ways to take your business to the next level.

As business owners, entrepreneurs we are often guilty of trying to do everything ourselves. As if running a business isn’t hard enough already! So many of us want to make it even harder by doing it all on our own.

I’m not just talking about bringing on support like coaches/mentors, or people to support areas of your business like a Virtual Assistant, some marketing support or book-keeping help etc. Obviously, they’re all great ideas, but what I am talking about here is collaboration.

You can collaborate with others in many ways. And if you have complementary skills with another business owner with a similar audience, then it could be a match made in heaven.

Ideas to get you started:

• A joint workshop, webinar or master class

• An online training programme

• Joint blog posts

• Strategic networking – and then develop a referral scheme (where you refer clients to each other)

• Joint podcast show

• Sharing your content with each other’s networks

• Commenting on each other’s posts

Reach out and collaborate with others to get in front of a bigger audience – for example a blogger who has the same target market as you. It can be easy to get sucked into the fear that the person you team up with will take away your business.

That’s just your fear talking. While people might buy from your collaborator and not you – it doesn’t mean that what you offer isn’t great. Your right people are out there too.

Any/all of these collaborations will open you up to a wider audience and get your name out there more quickly than you think or you work on your own at home.

Write a list of people that you’d like to collaborate with, and then do some research around what they offer and who their audience might be. Once you’ve done the groundwork, draft an email to them sharing with them what you like about their work, how you think you could collaborate together and outline the benefits for you both, with an invitation to chat with you to find out more.

There is power in numbers, and when used well can lead to strategic business success.

Success is what you want it to be and not necessarily what you are told it should be.
Moving forward wholeheartedly has been my measure of true success.

What does success look like to you?
What have you done or do to achieve success?
What are you going to do today?

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