Author: admin

[caption id="attachment_4408" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Systems Thinking in Business Coaching[/caption]In our last piece (, we explored why systems business coaching matters in today's rapidly evolving landscape. Now, let's dive deeper into how systems thinking transform business coaching from isolated problem-solving to holistic business transformation.Systems thinking in...

[caption id="attachment_4397" align="alignnone" width="600"] The Future of Business Coaching[/caption] As a Systems Business Coach® (, I've witnessed how interconnected elements shape organisational success in our evolving business landscape. This newsletter series explores emerging trends in business coaching through a systems thinking lens. Today's business environment faces unprecedented...

[caption id="attachment_4389" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Reclaiming African Leadership Through History[/caption] In this year’s Black History Month, Action for Race Equality has launched its campaign under the theme “Reclaiming Narratives.” As part of this initiative, I’m honored to contribute my voice to the ongoing conversation about reshaping how...

Organized & Profitable® Workshops is an engaging four part series, each featuring a 90-minute interactive training course tailored for Lewisham's small business owners. These workshops are crafted to offer actionable strategies that can be immediately implemented to strengthen and expand your business.Workshop 4:Recap and Overview:...

Organized & Profitable® Workshops is an engaging four part series, each featuring a 90-minute interactive training course tailored for Lewisham's small business owners. These workshops are crafted to offer actionable strategies that can be immediately implemented to strengthen and expand your business.Workshop 3:Customer Compass: During...