Things You Can do to Make Your Life Better while Physically Isolated – Part 4 of 4

Note: This article is the final part of our series “Things You can do Make Your Life Better while physically Isolated”. If you haven’t read the previous posts, check out Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3.

This COVID-19 crisis has radically changed our lives. Just a few months ago, we had no idea our ‘world’ would be confined to our homes!

This crisis is a powerful reminder of how important freedom is – and how much we need human connection!

?Remember you are not alone.

Below are Things You Can do to Make Your Life Better while Physically Isolated:

10. Help Others

Helping others is empowering and makes us feel better. Here are a few ways you could help others.

  • Check in on a neighbour or friend and see if they need anything. You can do this by phone, or in person, remembering to maintain a 6 feet distance.
  • Offer to get someone groceries if you’re going.
  • Help someone less technically savvy learn how to use Zoom or WhatsApp or whatever they need to get online.
  • Host a virtual get-together with your regular friends.

Reconnect more deeply with friends or relatives who have moved away.

11. Live Your Values

When we know your values, we understand what motivates and drives us. When we build our lives around our values, we create a life that is meaningful.

Finally, when we align our actions with our values – we’re being truly authentic.

It’s a very satisfying and fulfilling way to live. And living your values could be the single most important thing any of us can do right now.

Here’s an exercise you can do:

  • List your values on a piece of paper or in your journal.
  • Give each value a score ___ / 10 as to how well you are living that value in your life now (where 0 is not at all and 10 is full-out).
  • For the scores that are 8 or more – great!

For the scores that are 7 or less out of 10, ask yourself, “How could I express this value more in my life right now?” “What could I do differently or approach differently, so that I feel good about how I live this value in my life?”

? For example: You have a value of creativity, but you’re only managing to ‘go through the motions’ right now and your score is 4/10. Ask yourself how you could be more creative during this time – whether it’s cooking, gardening, art or writing or helping your kids do something creative, or even watching a documentary about someone creative you admire.

If you do not know your values, now is a great time to learn.  I am offering a free Values Kickstart session or Values Review Session.  Please have look at my availability here, and /or email me at

12. De-clutter

I bet you have some organisational things on your to-do list (like going through winter clothes, sorting out toys to donate or tidying the laundry closet, garage or shed) that have been on there for a while. Use this isolation period to get them done!

Getting organised and de-cluttering allows us to exert some control over our lives – and therefore feel less helpless! Plus it’ll feel amazing just to have it done.

Organise your closets, your garage, your books, your photos, office, and kitchen equipment. Whatever needs organising. Or perhaps you need to go through your receipts or file your taxes!

If you need some inspiration (and great clothes-folding tips) you could watch the Marie Kondo series on Netflix!

A simple 3 Step Method to go through your stuff:

  1. If you’re keeping it, be sure to DECIDE where it will “live” from now on.
  2. If you’re not keeping it, create two piles:
    • Things to DUMP
    • Things to DONATE (and if relevant to pass on to specific people).
  3. When you’re done, put each pile into bags or boxes, and then once this crisis is over you can get rid of what you no longer need.

? TIP: You don’t need to do any of this ‘in one sitting’, do an hour a day – you’ll be surprised how much you get done if you keep it up for a week!

What next?

So, which of the above ideas resonated with you? The areas I am focusing on are:

  • Being in the moment
  • Decluttering
  • Helping others
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