10 Tips to Growing a Successful Business (Part 2)

Welcome to the second part of our ongoing series: Tips to Growing a Successful Business. Last week, I wrote about 5 tips:

Successful business

To have a successful Business today- You Need to BE:

6. Brave

Can you let go of your security blanket?

There are countless ways you need to be brave when running your own business.  Yet we all have a tendency to do things that make us avoid the more challenging tasks we should be doing to grow our businesses.

In today’s world, there are so many distractions, expectations, tasks, commitments, personal, business and social that often have an impact on how we manage our businesses.

Sometimes, these are simple distractions. 

Are you fiddling around on email, social media, or “wasting” time doing something you enjoy? Not always making your money mind.

If you’re not actually making money in your business, you should be planning how you can, taking action towards something which makes you money, e.g., business development, sales, networking, or working on your marketing.

And if you’re doing something else, some kind of “security blanket” activity that stops you from stepping up, you need to be brave and stop. Not easy, I know.

7. Ok Making Money

Not everybody has an easy going relationship.  Have a read of ‘The 4 Money Mindsets by Karen Sutton-Johal’. In her book Karen talks of 4 Money Mindsets:

  • Money Mindset 1 – Rich
  • Money Mindset 2 – Comfortable
  • Money Mindset 3 – Break-Even
  • Money Mindset 4 – In-Debt

Yep, you got it; you need to get over your money issues. Wanting to make money is nothing to be embarrassed, guilty or ashamed of.

? The purpose of running a business is to make money.

Everyone has bills to pay. No guilt! No shame or embarrassment!

Instead, you need to go ahead and ask for that sale – and be proud that your business makes money helping others!

8. Focused on Your Goals

As long as you run your own business, there will always be more to do than time allows. So you must learn to prioritise and focus, to decide which actions are most important – and do those first.

But until you know what you’re aiming towards, what you want, how can you prioritise and focus, you could be chasing your tail.

So, firstly set goals for your business starting with longer term goals, then medium and short-term goals that get you there. Then, review your goals regularly.

Are they still relevant? Are your actions and short-term goals taking you there?

Know what you want, and be willing to reprioritise as many times as it takes to be successful.

If you need to, hire a business coach to help you with this because without focus on your goals, your business will go nowhere, fast!

good coaches

9. Willing to Learn

Be willing to learn a lot of new things.

As I said earlier, when you start your business you’ll be doing everything yourself – purchasing, marketing, sales, invoicing & finances, HR (of yourself!) as well as the coaching itself.

You’re the CEO, Finance Director, Operations Manager, Secretary and every other role needed to make your business work.

Not only will you learn to do these roles, but you’ll also be learning new skills, new ways of thinking and new ways of being.

It’s exciting and it’s a big challenge. And half the battle of creating a successful business is simply being willing to learn everything you need to!

10. Out of Your Comfort Zone

Last but not least, when you run your own business, you have a ton to learn – new knowledge to gain, skills to develop, goals to set, money to ask for, personal development opportunities galore.

They all mean getting out of your comfort zone, and the more you do it, the easier it gets. But if you decide to stay safe, you’re holding yourself back from the successful business you deserve.

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Happy to discuss how the above applies to you and your business?

Stay tuned for Part 3 next week where I share my own personal experience growing a successful business.

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