What Will your New Year’s Resolutions Be? – A Business Coach and Mentor’s Perspective


While New Year’s resolutions are very easy to make, they’re a lot harder to keep up. So I thought I’d help you out by providing some tips on the subject of making New Year’s resolutions.

1. Dream Big 

It might sound silly, but big goals actually inspire you to hit them and the people around you to rally behind you.

? What will your “big Goal be?” Share it with me.

2. Break Big Goals into Smaller Steps 

Then start breaking your big goal into smaller steps and tackling the easiest ones first. This will give you a confidence boost, as well as help you on your way to achieving your bigger goal.

3. Understand Why You’re Doing it 

Figure out your ‘why’ and the change will come easier. 

Do it for ‘you’ and not because it’s what you think you should be doing for others.

4. Commit Yourself 

Accountability is such a powerful concept.  

? Make written or verbal promises to people you don’t want to let down.

This will encourage you to persevere.  

Once you broadcast your intentions, you will feel the power to make them happen. Are you committed?

5. Give Yourself a Reward

Regular rewards throughout will make you feel good and encourage you to keep at it.

? Celebrate what went well each day, each week, each month, each goal, every achievement.

6. Learn From the Past 

Each time you hit a snag, use it as a learning curve to better yourself going forward.

Learning from our experiences allows us to grow and better ourselves, and this absolutely applies to New Year’s resolutions.

7. Don’t be Disheartened 

Don’t get disheartened if your goal was to run a marathon and you end up running half and walking the rest. That’s still an incredible result and one that you should absolutely be proud of.

Remember that every small success helps you build towards the ultimate bigger one.

So… what New Year’s resolutions have you got planned? I hope the above gives you something to think about. 

Maybe you’re going to make 2021 the year that you invest in the growth and development of your self.

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