09 Dec Get in a Routine – Form a Habit – Part 1
This pandemic has created an unsettled nature of its own, this experience makes it challenging to ground into a new routine or get started on bold ambitions.
However, there are things that need to be considered to build a mindset and state of being to thrive in these conditions.
Here is a list of ways you can honour the needs of your mind, body and spirit.
By honouring these needs, you might be better placed to process the situation and create the space to be productive, build a new business, learn new skills or explore areas for personal growth.
1. Accept the Moment
There’s a good chance you’re experiencing a wide variety of emotions right now. Suddenly shifting from going to work all day and on a regular routine to social distancing, staying home all day.
Having little alternatives, adhering to regulations and guidelines that seem to change daily thus creating a feeling of being trapped, often resulting in having no escape from anxiety, grief and helplessness of this situation.
These emotions can make you feel unsettled, paralysed and unable to focus or be productive.
? Rather than judge yourself for feeling off, we need to accept that this moment is stressful and scary.
You have no control over the situation and have no choice but to accept it. The sooner you do that, the sooner you can create the room for your mind to focus on other things.
2. Let Yourself be Vulnerable
Feeling bad is a part of this experience that most people avoid. The reality is that these are stressful times. It’s normal to feel scared, angry and vulnerable.
You are entitled to all your emotions, not just joy and pride.
Feeling fear does not mean you are weak, just like feeling pride doesn’t make you arrogant or selfish. Fear, anxiety and anger are evolutionary tools and this is a great time to learn how to use them.
3. Have Fun
There’s no question we are seeing numerous invites to hangouts, dance parties, concerts and other fun things over video conferencing.
Despite the ‘creep’ of increasingly technological platforms for communication, we need to get the human connection while honouring the physical distancing and health recommendations from experts and your local government.
4. Laugh
The amount of bad news is overwhelming, and it may not get better in the short-term. For this reason, it’s crucial to continue to laugh and feel joy.
You can get your laughs by talking or playing games with your friends and family (virtually, of course) or by watching funny shows and movies. When the world gets dark, laughter is often the fastest way to feel good.

For many, the unfortunate circumstances experienced during the worldwide pandemic have proved to be a unique moment to slow down and honour our emotional and mental needs.
By doing so, we have been able to create the space necessary to reach the level of productivity and mental agility desired.
By digging deeper we are able to embrace and truly explore the big shifts, lessons and opportunities that this situation presents.