The Power of Regular Check-Ins

The Power of Regular Check Business Coaching

The Power of Regular Check-Ins

As a small business coach, I cannot emphasise enough the power of managers holding regular one-on-one check-ins with each team member. While touching base sporadically via email or chat works, it rarely builds the same level of rapport, understanding and accountability possible through regular dedicated discussions.

Beyond getting status updates on tasks, these conversations enable support removing barriers, alignment around goals, and reinforcement of top priorities. The consistency also promotes relationship building, idea flows and earlier identification of problems before they jeopardise deadlines or budget.

Think of it as taking the pulse on how well information is flowing across the organization while also demonstrating you value employees as more than just output generators.

Tactical Example  

For example, Creative Agency Owner Jenny sets up 30-minute Friday check-ins with her web developer, copywriter, and digital marketing specialist.

She starts each by validating something positive noticed about the individual’s work then asking about any current roadblocks for problem solving ideas. Next examining Slack notifications and project management software highlights accomplishments, upcoming deliverables, how key performance metrics are trending and if any additional resources could quicken pace.

Before wrapping up, Jenny lets team members share general feedback on their workload, work-life balance, or management effectiveness. Over months these candid exchanges cement trust and add to overall wellbeing, wellness and prevent employee burnout.

Benefits Outweighed Effort  

Within a few months Jenny reported increased engagement, better prioritisation and fewer tasks falling through the cracks. By proactively removing obstacles and realigning efforts regularly, both project throughput and quality improved resulting in happier clients and increased referrals.

The act of not just telling staff what to work on but collaboratively designing implementation plans tailored to individual strengths boosted ownership and innovation too. Jenny credits her agency’s double digit revenue growth over the past year to the communication rhythms and culture of caring built through weekly check-ins.

While dedicating three hours per week to one-on-ones may seem excessive for early-stage companies, the compounding benefits revealed over time easily justify the investment according to most clients I advise.

Here are some of the key benefits of holding one-on-one meetings with team members and team meetings:

One-on-One Meetings

  • Build stronger relationships and trust between managers and direct reports.
  • Provide dedicated time for giving feedback and coaching.
  • Allow for discussions about career development and goals.
  • Surface issues early before they negatively impact work.
  • Increase employee engagement as people feel heard and valued.

Team Meetings 

  • Align entire team on priorities, goals, and projects.
  • Facilitate cross-functional collaboration and idea sharing.
  •  Promote transparency around company news/updates.
  • Solve problems collectively that affect multiple people.
  •  Build camaraderie and stronger relationships among team members.
  • Allow managers to communicate key messages consistently across their whole department.
  • Help establish open communication norms for the culture.

Feedback from my clients, state,  one-on-one meetings provide quality time with individuals while team meetings bring groups together for stronger alignment. Both formats play a significant role in leadership communication rhythms. Consistency, active listening, and clear next steps are what make meetings truly productive versus simply taking up calendar slots.

Want to kickstart the practice in your own management routines? Feel free to reach out if you need any advice formulating introductory check-in questions personalized to your situation. Investing in your people pays the highest dividends.

Whether you are looking to take your business to the next level, start again with a fresh approach or if you just need someone to keep you accountable, I can help. Book a free discovery call with me by clicking here and let’s explore how coaching could accelerate your growth.

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